CSR Milestones
  • September 17th,World Patient Safety Day, SMPC held an activity which is about the theme of "understanding drug instructions", and extensively promoting drug safety information externally and internally, encouraging employees and the public to improve awareness of drug safety.

  • October 9th-29th, SMPC held Employee Health Sports Festival, which is the team competition event with the participation of all employees of the company, which carried out the popularization of hypertension cognition externally, and strengthened employees' awareness of self-health management through online and offline activities to help them develop good habits of healthy life.

  • From October to December, SMPC held environmental awareness cultivation activity. Through urban night scene photo collection, luminous painting creation activities, and cherry blossom tree planting activities, SMPC aimed to promote environmental protection and energy conservation awareness to employees. SMPC helped employees transform their awareness into action and work together to support the achievement of sustainable development goals through participating in these activities.

  • In April, when the COVID-19 epidemic in Shanghai became increasingly serious, SMPC donated 4,500 sterilized protective suits worth 280,000 yuan to local communities to ensure the health and safety of community service workers.

  • In May, "Hypertension Health Day" event to call attention to cardiovascular health.

  • In September, SMPC donated 400,000 yuan to the earthquake areas in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, for post-disaster construction.

  • In October, SMPC donated 800,000 yuan for the "CAFF Garden" project.

  • In October, SMPC donated 200,000 yuan to the "Sumitomo Scholarship" project.


In July 2021, Sumitomo Pharma (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. donated RMB1 million to purchase medical equipment, such as 6 anesthesia apparatus and 1 syringe pump to the flooded areas of Henan Province to fulfill the medical needs of the people in the affected areas.

In September 2021, the company organized employees to participate in the "Orange for Love” and "Sumitomo's Attitude” activities.

In November 2021, Sumitomo Pharma (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. donated RMB500,000 for the Intelligent Blood Pressure in Enterprises and Public Institution’s PROMISE Hypertension Management for Young People project.


From 2020 to 2021, the company organized three consecutive exchange events in Beijing, Shanghai, and Suzhou for people with mental or intellectual disabilities.

In January 2020 and July 2021, the company donated a total of RMB2 million to make efforts to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic in China and relief for the affected areas in the Henan Province.

In October 2020, Sumitomo Pharma (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. donated RMB1 million to the Beijing Health Alliance Charitable Foundation to construct the Hematology Development Museum.


From 2019 to 2021, the company donated RMB885,000 to support the CAFF Garden Program to provide substantial assistance to families and children with mental health disorders.

From 2019 to 2021, for three consecutive years, the company donated a total of RMB1 million to support public welfare organizations to deliver lectures on mental health science in 20 universities and colleges in four cities, with a total of more than 2,000 students attendees.

In 2019, the company and Shanghai United Foundation established the United-Sumitomo Scholarship in three universities across China, aiming to cultivate the future force of China's medical career by providing better education to graduate students in psychiatric-related fields.


From 2016 to 2018, the company invited nearly 30 school students from remote areas in the Guangxi and Qinghai provinces for three consecutive years to leave the mountains during summer and visit Shanghai and Suzhou to help them develop their perspectives, with a total donation of about RMB150,000.


From 2015 to 2018, the company assisted more than 70 employees to visit sick children in Shanghai and Suzhou for four consecutive years, bringing sunshine and rainbows to the sick children, lighting up their lives with love, and encouraging them to study, draw, and play games.

From 2015 to 2017, the company actively fulfilled its responsibility for environmental protection for three consecutive years. Cooperated with China Green Foundation and Beijing Green Sunshine Environmental Protection Public Welfare Foundation, the company donated a total of RMB220,000, planted 100 mu (1 mu=0.0667 hectare) of forest in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, and Guizhou, maintained 150 mu of green space, and established an ecological and environmental science education base. More than 50 employees were organized to carry out on-site tree planting and maintenance work, which strengthened the employees' awareness of environmental protection.


From 2009 to 2017, the company cooperated with several public welfare organizations for nine consecutive years to carry out educational assistance projects, encompassing four provinces and seven regions, donating a total of RMB375,000, and supplying more than 3,500 items to improve the living and learning conditions of students in local schools. Under the leadership of the then CEO, the company organized activities for employees to visit local schools for many consecutive years.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Responsibilities to the patients and health care professionals
Responsibilities to the patients and health care professionals Responsibilities to the patients and health care professionals
Responsibilities to the patients and health care professionals

As a pharmaceutical company, our primary mission is to provide a stable supply of reliable quality pharmaceuticals for the safe functions.

To accomplish the mission, we strive to maintain and enhance our trustworthiness assurance system after the development and marketing of the pharmaceuticals. In addition, we effectively understand the needs of medical professionals, patients, and their families. We are committed to meeting their needs by creating, providing, and disseminating information that is objective, fair, reliable, and of a high standard and a superior level.

Responsibilities to the society
Responsibilities to the society Responsibilities to the society
Responsibilities to the society

We upskill our employees to realize that our company operates with the credit and trust of the society. We should understand and respect the diverse values and cultures of other regions and non-native people, be aware of the harmony with the society, and fulfill our responsibilities and contributions as a member of the society.

Responsibilities to the Employees
Responsibilities to the Employees Responsibilities to the Employees
Responsibilities to the Employees

We are committed to maximizing the subjectivity and creativity of our employees and strive to create a workplace environment that is safe, easy to work in, and enables employees to concentrate on their work to exert their abilities fully. We give importance to reforming our working style, and actively implement initiatives that embrace diversity and inclusion. We focus on the development of our employees and maintaining and promoting their health.

Sustainability Management

Sumitomo Pharma Group defines the practice of its Mission, "To broadly contribute to society through value creation based on innovative research and development activities for the betterment of healthcare and fuller lives of people worldwide," that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society and leads to the sustained enhancement of its corporate value as "Sustainability Management." We aspire to implement Sustainability Management through developing innovative products and healthcare solutions as well as maintaining and reinforcing the corporate governance system, promoting work style innovation, diversity & inclusion, strengthening employee training and development, contribution to global health, and taking initiatives to improve access to medicines.

Compliance and Ethics

Based on the Sumitomo Pharma (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Group's compliance policy and the context of our own operations and drug development in China, the Compliance Standard Policy is a programmatic guiding document that applies to the entire company and all employees, which demonstrates the corporate values of "honesty and integrity, responsibility and contribution, reform and innovation, solidarity and cooperation, and fairness to and respect for others".

Effective implementation of the compliance is an important prerequisite for the corporate survival. We firmly believe in this philosophy and act accordingly. The provisions of the Compliance Standard Policy are the core principles of the company's daily compliance operations and the premise and basis for the orderly work of every employee. The entire company and all employees should effectively and efficiently comply with the provisions and implement them. As employees of a life science company with high standards, we use these principles to constantly review our behavior and keep our mission in mind to contribute to the benefit of patients and the development of medical and health care in China.

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